Friday, July 12, 2019

Diesel Cars with toxic exhaust still on roads – immediate call-back to factories urgent!

As expected the automotive industry is continuously acting fraudulent and the software updates of the fraudulent software are also fraudulent, not fixing the emissions of toxic diesel exhaust. Theses cars must be called back immediately and need a hardware update paid by the automakers. While in the US, the EPA is actively prosecuting the wrongdoing of involved automakers, in Europe, in the year 2019, regulators have failed to call back fraudulent cars back to the factories since 3 years. (1)
The documentary film "Der Fall Audi" (2) of the German television channel ARD states that Audi still is involved in fraudulent and obstructive actions and has failed to bring down the toxic diesel emissions to healthy levels. Inaction of German regulators points towards corruption and complicity.
Deutsche Umwelthilfe asks for hardware updates (3) (including retrofit with larger AdBlue tanks), since Software Updates do not fix anything (4a). In our assessment Watchdog Transport&Environment (T&D) seems too soft on the automotive industry, when it only asks for hardware updates "where technically feasible" (4b) We would expect asking non-compliant cars to be taken off the roads. T&D presses for software updates, even though DUH has proven already they don't work.
Not only Audi is not able to meet emission standards, but in recent tests also Porsche has 8-fold higher emissions than legal. (5) Also newest Euro6 Porsche Cayenne has 2,4-fold higher NOx-emissions than legal.
Obviously also BOSCH must be mentioned. BOSCH is and was at the core of the fraudulent defeat-software, but much more revealing, is the developer of core technological components of fraudulent so called "clean" diesel engines. While Bloomberg reported in May 2019 that Bosch has been fined with only $100 Millions – "The company supplied about 17 million engine-control devices to German and international automakers since 2008 that partly included illegal software functions, according to the statement."(6) – Bosch appears to have obstructed prosecution by not delivering documents (7) on the development of the fraudulent "defeat devices". Not only did Bosch develop fraudulent devices, but also tried to cover it up, as leaked internal documents (7) reveal. Bosch-Employee: "How bad can things be, that we even fake documents." (8)
In a recent talk show on june 18, 2019 current Volkswagen-CEO Herbert Diess admitted: "What we did was fraud, yes". – „Das, was wir gemacht haben war Betrug, ja.“ –  (9) Update 19/9/2019: There are several indications that Mister Diess would be more accurate, if he used the present term. (10)

(1)  "Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt schreitet seit über drei Jahren nicht gegen betrügerische Abgasreinigung bei Porsche und Audi Diesel-Limousinen und Diesel-SUVs ein – (...) Straßen-Abgasmessungen des Emissions-Kontroll-Instituts der Deutschen Umwelthilfe zeigen extreme Stickoxidwerte bei Dieselmodellen der Hersteller Porsche und Audi – Porsche Diesel-Pkw der Abgasnorm Euro 5 und Euro 6 weisen extrem hohe Schadstoffemissionen auf, doch das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt ordnet keinen Rückruf an – Der von Audi und Porsche gemeinsam genutzte Diesel-Motor EA897 zeigt in unterschiedlichen Modellen extrem hohe Stickoxid-Emissionen im realen Fahrbetrieb – DUH fordert kurzfristige Hardware-Nachrüstungen für diese besonders schmutzigen Diesel von Porsche und Audi auf Kosten der Hersteller" 02.07.2019
(2) "Der Fall Audi" – Luxury Car Maker Audi fails to fix fraudulent emission scandal, is still cheating and involved in obstructive behavior...
(3) Software updates are not the solution to fix the toxic exhaust emissions. Hardware updates are needed. "Weiterhin dreckige Luft trotz Software-Updates – Diesel-Abgasmessungen der Deutschen Umwelthilfe verdeutlichen Notwendigkeit von Hardware-Nachrüstungen"
(4) Watch Dogs who got it right: Deutsche Umwelthilfe DUH has a consistent record on seeing through the fraudulent actions of the automotive industry. Unfortunately some other Watch Dogs fail to call out the continuous fraud. In June 7, 2019 T&D states the german automotive makers have recalled "between 70% and 99% of highly-polluting diesel vehicles in Germany", but not mentioning that the recall with implementation of a software update has barely any effect on actual emissions, as Jürgen Resch of the DUH states rightly: "Das Ergebnis ist wirklich erschreckend. Wir haben keine oder fast keine Reinigungswirkung. Ein Audi A4 hatte vor dem Update eine Überschreitung von über 600 Prozent und danach fast als Punktlandung den gleichen Wert. Das ist auch der Grund dafür, warum wir in vielen Städten keine Verbesserung, zum Teil sogar eine Verschlechterung der Abgas- und Luftqualitätswerte haben.“ 4a) 
4b) Our assessment is that T&D is too soft on the automotive industry if it only expects software upadtes and hardware updates only "where technically feasible." We believe cars, that cannot be fixed with hardware updates, must be taken off the roads, since they do not meet emission standards and have been sold to costumers with fraudulent claims.
(5) "Stickoxidausstoß bei Porsche acht Mal höher als Grenzwert – Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe hat SUV und Limousinen der Oberklasse im Realbetrieb getestet. Das Ergebnis: Die Dieselfahrzeuge überschreiten die gesetzlichen Prüfstandswerte um ein Vielfaches - trotz Softwareupdate."
(8) Bosch-Employee: "How bad can things be, that we even fake documents." – "„Wie schlimm muss der sein, dass wir hier sogar die Doku faken?“. Ein Bosch-Angestellter bezeichnete ein Jahr später in einer E-Mail die Akustikfunktion ganz offen als „Zykluserkennung“ – also als Programm, das Abgastests heimlich erkennen und Messungen manipulieren kann. "
(9) Volkswagen CEO: "What we did was fraud, yes".
(10) Volkswagen still cheating: Also newest Euro6-VW-Diesel-Engine EA 288 caught with cheating device... "Der Abgasexperte Axel Friedrich, der den ersten Diesel-Skandal mit aufgedeckt hatte und Experte im Diesel-Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestages war, kommt nach Durchsicht der VW-Unterlagen zum Ergebnis, dass auch beim Motor EA 288 eine Abschalteinrichtung vorliegt: "Das Fahrzeug erkennt, ob es auf einem Prüfstand steht – nur dann wird ausreichend AdBlue eingespritzt. Dagegen wird im normalen Fahrbetrieb auf der Straße viel weniger AdBlue verwendet.",abgasskandal-swr-recherche-100.html?fbclid=IwAR05f37GfNI4Q7kLA52vPdulqXlQule6eig-qMP44QnetX71M9hxvl7CbuQ

Saturday, January 19, 2019

2019: Hardware-Retrofit is ready and available for BMW since 2008

AdBlue & SCR Katalyst are available since 2008.

Hardware-Retrofit is easy, ready and available since 2008,
but somehow, contrary to the USA,
BMW & Co. haven't been forced to actually implement it.

Monday, January 7, 2019

The men who helped expose Volkswagen's emissions scandal

2015: Meet John German: the man who helped expose Volkswagen's emissions scandal
"Automative engineer’s research connected the dots to how the automaker manipulated diesel emissions tests – but that was never the intention"

2015: Carder's $50,000 study produced early evidence that Volkswagen was cheating on US vehicle emissions tests:

2019: German TV-Channel Pro Sieben: John German, the man who enveiled the Diesel-Scandal:
"Immer mehr deutsche Städte verhängen Diesel-Fahrverbote. Auslöser dafür war John German. Denn er hat den Skandal als erstes entdeckt. Hier kommt seine Geschichte."